Working Capital Loans

Need help covering expenses?



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Get Working Capital For Your Business

Obtaining the desired amount of working capital can be a challenge, but with the help of a loan or line of credit, your franchise can thrive.

Getting the necessary working capital quickly allows you to jumpstart your business right away. Our objective is to secure the highest possible amount in unsecured personal term loans and business credit lines that you can freely spend to launch, expand, and enhance your business. These lines of credit can be used for various purposes such as funding a marketing campaign, covering travel expenses, making down payments on properties, financing rehab expenses, or anything else your business needs to flourish and operate smoothly.


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Get Working Capital For Your Business

Obtaining the desired amount of working capital can be a challenge, but with the help of a loan or line of credit, your franchise can thrive.

Getting the necessary working capital quickly allows you to jumpstart your business right away. Our objective is to secure the highest possible amount in unsecured personal term loans and business credit lines that you can freely spend to launch, expand, and enhance your business. These lines of credit can be used for various purposes such as funding a marketing campaign, covering travel expenses, making down payments on properties, financing rehab expenses, or anything else your business needs to flourish and operate smoothly.


Common Uses of Working Capital

Before you can begin to sell, you need to create. In order to create, you'll need funds. If you're starting out and are a business that needs to stock inventory, you will need working capital to make those initial purchases. In the same vein, if your business requires equipment of any kind you will need to invest in leases or purchases for that equipment.

Whether you're just starting to get your name out there or deciding to ramp up your strategy, you'll likely need to set aside a decent budget for marketing endeavors. Marketing is an investment in your business, and to make that investment, you'll need to use working capital to achieve your desired marketing outcome.  

In order to start or grow a business, an investment in the people who keep your business running is a monetary necessity. Payroll is a primary need for ample working capital. 

Payroll and income taxes are immediate responsibilities that require regular payment quarterly by a business. Having working capital on hand in order to meet these payments will ensure that your business remains compliant and does not owe on the taxes due. 

As an owner, oftentimes you have to expect the unexpected and prepare. Having sufficient working capital to allow for wiggle room during unforeseen events is important. 


With our Proprietary Technology, we can not only get you pre-approved quickly, you can see exactly what you qualify for and have the funding you need in 7-10 business days!

  • Minimum current FICO scores should be 700+. NAV, Credit Check Total, Credit Karma, etc. should be 700+
  • No public records (BK, tax liens, judgments), collections, or charge-offs on file
  • No late mortgage payments, short-sales or foreclosures on file
  • No late payments in the last 2 - 3 years, and No chronic lates (60 days+) prior to that
  •  Less than 3 inquiries per bureau within the last 6 months
  • At least 5 years of credit history
  • Total revolving credit limits > $25k; $50k+ is ideal.
  • Utilization on major credit cards should be less than 30%. We have specialized strategies to help clients with high utilization.
  • Established Business, Corporation or LLC, with an EIN

Copyright - 2024 LENDZEE, LLC.  3900 S Hualapai Way #109, Las Vegas, NV 89147  - PH: +1 (775) 542-9788